Positive Behavior Supports — Need Volunteers


Posted by jenmalonetn | Posted in Important Reminders, Professional Development | Posted on May 13, 2009

On May 4, 2009 Sissy Foster met with Toia Jones, consulant with Edexcellence, regarding creating a partnership in which we can receive free technical assistance throughout the school year to implement a positive behavior support system within individual schools and/or entire school district.  In order for us to participate and receive this free technical assistance, we have to designate a team of individuals at each school (minimum four people per school) to start the process.  Several years ago we attempted to start this process but due to several reasons were not able to carry it out. 

Mr. Honeycutt has indicated that he is in support of initiating the concept of positive behavior supports in our schools and across our district.  Highland Park Elementary has already taken the first steps in the process.   Our school needs four volunteers who would be willing to begin this process during the summer.  There is a workshop the school team can attend June 3-4, 2009, so we need to complete the registration process ASAP. 

By developing a partnership with Edexcellence, we will also receive a 50% discount for all professional development workshops that are offered.  Edexcellence offers PD and technical assistance on a variety of topics. 

I will need the names before Friday when I attend Principals’ Meeting. 

You can count this professional development toward the two days of self-selected PD needed during 2009-2010. 

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