System Goals for 2009-2010


Posted by jenmalonetn | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on July 28, 2009

Loudon County Schools have three goals for the 09-10 school year:

1.  Decrease the growth differences among the high, middle, and low achievement subgroups by making positive gains in all groups.

2.  Improve the school system’s graduation rate.

3.  Increase the percentage of students who are proficient or advanced in math, reading, and language arts in grades K-12 for students within the economically disadvantaged, Hispanic, students with disabilities, and English language learner subgroups as measured by state testing. 

Eaton Elementary Goals for the 09-10 school year:

  1. In addition to meeting minimum NCLB proficiency goals for AYP, the percentage of female and economically disadvantaged students in grades 3-4 scoring ADVANCED on spring 2009 TCAP will increase by 5% in all subjects.


  1. Fourth grade norm gains in MATH will be positive and exceed state gains in all five quintiles, with particular emphasis placed on increasing math gains for our highest achieving students as evidenced by 2009 TCAP


  1. To continue meeting and exceeding all NCLB proficiency goals in third grade, by the end of 2nd grade, 98% of Eaton students will score on grade level on the STAR Reading test and show proficiency on 2009 TCAP Reading/Language norm referenced test.


4.      Increase the number of fruit, vegetable and healthier entrée choices while decreasing the amount of fried food selections as evidenced by menu selection options published by the cafeteria manager each month.



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