Winter’s Tail


Posted by jenmalonetn | Posted in Environment, Reading/Language Arts, Science Resources | Posted on December 8, 2010


Winters Tail.Com 

Scholastic and Turtle Pond Interactive invite you and your class on a virtual field trip to an aquarium in Florida! Students will be introduced to an extraordinary and inspiring bottlenose dolphin named Winter, who was just three months old when she lost her tail after it became caught and mangled in a crab trap.

As a class, watch video highlights from the Winter’s Tail Webcast that aired on October 7, 2009. Your students will learn about marine wildlife as well as invaluable lessons in resilience, compassion, and friendship.

You’ll find age-appropriate resources and curriculum materials for the field trip below as well as books and teaching materials on other remarkable animals around the world that have faced their own challenges.

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