Girls Go CyberStart


Posted by jenmalonetn | Posted in Coding, Computer Coding, Contests, Internet Safety | Posted on March 25, 2019

What is it?

Girls Go CyberStart is a fun and interactive series of digital challenges designed to introduce you to the field of cybersecurity. More than 6,600 high school girls played Girls Go CyberStart in 2018 and loved it! Best of all? You will compete in three stages for the chance to win cash prizes for you and your school as well as scholarships to help pay for college.

No prior experience is required as the program gradually builds your knowledge base, introducing you to exciting topics like cryptography, web vulnerabilities, Python, Linux and forensics. Teamwork, persistence and determination are key. Whether you already know a bit about coding, or have never considered a career in technology, you’ll enjoy Girls Go CyberStart!

So what are you waiting for? Grab your friends and sign up for the chance to win great prizes for you and your school!

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