Education is on online Encyclopedia of Life. Great site for exploring one species at a time!
Posted by jenmalonetn | Posted in Encyclopedia, Odds and Ends, Writing | Posted on August 4, 2011
Words Like.Net
Students and teachers will like this free site writing class. It is a free service that allows you to find words and phrases that are similar or related to each other.
Type in a word or a phrase and Words will come up with a list of related words and their corresponding definitions.
Posted by jenmalonetn | Posted in Encyclopedia | Posted on February 9, 2011 is a free online photo encyclopedia. As of now, the school filter is allowing the images, so enjoy!

Qwiki.Com is a phenomenal new encyclopedia/search engine that is perfect for the classroom – especially for viewing on interactive white boards. A search will turn up a multipmedia show complete with sound, video, photos, and additional information to be explored.